Reduce mental stress and increase legal research effectiveness
Let MyJr from Jurisage deliver case law insights directly into your workflow

See how it works
MyJr finds citations on your page and delivers instant, on-demand insights on those cases
Participants, parties and case details
Issuing court, presiding judges, participating lawyers and parties. Reading time, topics, case summaries and key passages.
Sentence Segment Classification
Every sentence classified according to Facts, Issues, Law, Analysis and Conclusions. See the breakout in a chart, dive into the details that matter to you, and get similar case recommendations based on individual elements.
Influence, history and treatment
Understand the relevance and influence over time of the cited decision, including most recent citations and treatment. Quick reads and simple graphs to help you understand how the cited decision fits within the jurisprudence.
Full text of cited decisions
If you really want to see the cited decisions, we have that too. Great for where your referring source isn’t a legal research database, but also useful if your goal is to see the FILAC layout in full context.
*Some MyJr and Jurisage insights features are in development and coming soon!
Built with your privacy in mind!
MyJr works by searching for case law citations – and only citations – in the text of a webpage, and only operates when you explicitly authorize that search. We don’t take a copy of the page you are on and we don’t connect activity, citations, or page URLs back to identifiable users.
Will it work on your preferred legal research sites? Yes!! Whether you are looking at Westlaw, LexisNexis, Google Scholar, CanLII, Justia, CourtListener, court websites like the Supreme Court of Canada, blogs…anywhere, really…if the text can be read and common tools like Google translate, Grammarly, Evernote and word definition extensions work for you, then MyJr will work perfectly.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a browser extension?
Quite simply, a tool that improves your experience on the web. Browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and others are designed to permit software integrations that let the user do more with the content on website than the site publisher has built. The most popular browser extension - tools that help with definitions, translations and grammar of web content - have each been implemented in the tens of millions of times.
Where will it work?
Practically anywhere! Wherever you see case citations on the web - including your preferred legal research sites, court websites, blogs, social media streams, etc... - you should be able to use MyJr to get instant access to case law insights.
If the page has citations, and the text isn't locked down or blocked by the site publisher, then our tool can find it.
Where won't it work?
Aha! Yes, the web is a big place and web content comes in many forms. Text that looks accessible and is accessible to a user may still be inaccessible to a browser extension like MyJr. Sometimes this is becuase of restrictions put in place by enterprise security software in your workplace, by a site publisher or as a consequence of display technologies used by the site publisher.
PDFs, Word and other Microsoft 365 products, Google Docs and other forms of text rendered by a software program to be read on a browser cannot be accessed by most browser extension.
To extend the benefits of MyJr to these content sources, we will need to develop integrations with the underlying software. Fortunately, that's just what we plan to do over the coming months!
What is FILAC?
FILAC is an acronoym for Facts, Issues, Law, Analysis (or Appliction) and Conclusions. Within MyJr, every sentence of a court opinion is classified as falling into one or more of these five categories. The relative proportions within any given opinion may vary and there is no magic formular. That said, the opinions of trial courts tend to be longer on Facts and Analysis and appellate cases tend to be longer on Law. It's rare that Issues will account for a significant percentage of an opinion, as cases with more Issues, can be expected to have more Facts to review and require more Analysis effort to apply the Law to the Facts.
FILAC is one of many structures legal researchers and writers are taught when learning to understand and communicate the essential elements of a legal opinion. Another common structure is known as IRAC, which refers to Issue, Rule, Application and Conclusion. Though these structures are not always strictly followed as orgnizing frameworks, their presence contributes to both coherence and completeness of discussion in legal opinions.
How are you protecting my privacy?
Browser extensions operating by interacting with content on the webpage. MyJr works by searching for case law citations - and only citations - in the text of a webpage, and then it highlights citations that matches cases in our database.
It only operates when you explicitly authorize the search, either through a click of the "scan page" button or because you are on a site you have asked us to auto-scan. We don't take a copy of the page you are on and we don't connect activity, citations or page URLs to identifiable users unless those users have explicitly asked us to do so within a paid product.
Where does the data come from?
Great question and one that should be asked of any legal AI supplier.
Jurisage came together as a joint venture of AltaML and Compass Law. Compass Law is the successor to venerable legal publisher Maritime Law Book MLB and founded in 1969, creator of highly respected provincial and national case law reports. Compass acquired the MLB collection in 2016 and continued a now-53 year unbroken streak of Canadian case law publishing, with current content supplied directly from Canadian courts. For many courts across Canada, we are one of only 4 publishers receiving this content directly from the courts.
Our U.S. case law collection is primarily supplied by California-based CourtListner, but augmented through relationships with other publishers.
It's precisely because we posses our own case law collection, we can carry out deep analysis in the background and deliver the outputs and insights directly to you.
Why is it called "MyJr"?
MyJr - pronounced "my junior" - reflects the idea that workplaces with senior lawyers frequently have junior lawyers who are often tasked with doing most of the legal research works.
Even outside the scope of legal research and law, it's common in many professions to hear the more experienced individual refer to the associate, protégé or employee contributing to their work as "my junior."
We think MyJr can be your junior.
What's next for MyJr?
Our mission at Jurisage is to bridge the distance between legal questions and answers. MyJr currently treats the case citation as the question "What details can you tell me about this case?" From this starting point, MyJr will evolve in two ways - better answers, new questions.
First, MyJr will get better at anticipating what specific detail about the cited case are most important to you in the moment, and work to present you with those details first.
Second, MyJr will learn to take new inputs within documents (things like paragraphs, sentences, parties, issues, facts and so on) as fundamental to framing the main question or at least as forming part of the question alongside inputs like citations. In these contexts, the answers and information supplied will be drawn and synthesized from sources beyond the cited case opinion.